May 18, 2011, London - today, Guinness world records, the global authority on record-breaking, can confirm that the Brazilian Maria Gomes Valentim has taken the title of "oldest living person" in the age of 114 years and 313 days.
The ur-ur grandma is Mrs Besse Cooper of Monroe, Georgia, United States, whose titles are 48 days older 'oldest living American.' as the previous title holder, now
9. July 1896, car Angola, Brazil, where she lived all her life, Maria born. In 1913, she married João Valentim and was widowed links, 1946. They had a son, four grandchildren, great-grandson, seven and five great-great-grandson.
Valentim attributes of her life longevity to a healthy diet. She eat a full roll bread of every morning with coffee, fruit and the occasional milk with linseed. Confirm their "strong hands", is still in a position to eat completely on his own and wine treated with an occasional glass.
Guinness world records editor-in-Chief Craig Glenday, said: "a claim by a woman born during the reign of Queen Victoria - before the Ford Motor Company was founded, or even before, George and IRA Gershwin, - is in itself remarkable, but for the woman to Brazilian makes it very special." "Never a successful lawsuit for longevity emerged from Brazil - to this day."
During the Guinness world records several claims of potential Brazilian super centenary, were never ratified these requirements has received due to lack of relevant evidence and documentation. Maria Gomes Valentim rule as a "person living elders" are first of country Super-centenarian, to receive official recognition.
Ninety-nine percent of the claims to age from 115

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