Backgammon is believed to be the oldest game in the world, and archaeologists have found old backgammon games dating as far back as 3000 BC. This is an old classic game of luck combined with the strategy; one should roll the dice and then choose the best way to get around. The nice thing about backgammon is that the regulations are easy to describe, but mastering the game can take a lifetime. Unlike chess, the old game is also immediate to pick, choose and play, with games often lasting only minutes. Mostly, there are two sides to an old backgammon board, each with twelve beds for a total of twenty-four seats. These spaces are numbered from 1 to 24 in contrary to the directions of both players, so a player of a space is the space of two players of 24 years, and so on. Counters where each of the players (women) are placed varies depending on the rules used, but a common configuration is five days 6 and 13, three to eight, and two 24. To begin the old game, each dice turn, and the player who turns the uppermost gets the first turn with the numbers of the two dice. The policy is that each number is a movement, so if you turn a one and a six, can go a piece of a space and a checker six spaces. At this point is where it begins to be a bit complicated, but attach with it. When deciding which spell to move and where you have to consider moves are allowed. The tokens can only move to spaces that do not have the ladies, only the tabs, or only one of the ladies of her enemy - can not move to any space that has two or more of the ladies of her enemy. On the other hand, if it falls into a space where your enemy has only one inspector has occupied it and put it in the 'bar' in the centre of the old board. The bar counts as "zero space" of the dice, and ladies should not move before the others can be.